Work while studying

Who can work while they study, how much and where (on campus, off campus, co-op, and post-graduation)

Stay and work in Canada after you graduate

Get a work permit to stay in Canada after you graduate and how to apply for permanent residence

Get a visitor visa to return to Canada

How and when a study permit holder should apply

Foreign workers

Get a work permit

Find out if you can apply and how to apply to work in Canada as a temporary worker, business person and student

Extend or change the conditions on your work permit

What to do if your work permit is about to expire or if you want to change jobs, and open work permits for permanent resident applicants

Travel and work in Canada as a youth

Find out if you can apply for the International Experience Canada Program, how to become a candidate and what to do after you’re in the pool

Work as an international student

How to work while studying and how to apply for a post-graduation work permit to stay in Canada after you graduate

Get a visitor visa to return to Canada

How and when a work permit holder should apply

Canada Visas Categories:

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Study in Canada

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Work in Canada

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For new immigrants

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Canadian citizenship

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Other services and information

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